Speak English or be Silent

My biggest take aways from this week's readings were the different types of ESL or ENL programs that are offered and all of their differences and also the laws surrounding bilingual children. As we all know, most policies and laws are created by middle-class men who are privileged in society. The policies and laws usually further oppress marginalized groups. As prevalent with the shift to English-only laws for emergent bilingual students, policymakers and lawmakers have been very open and upfront about who and what language is viewed as valuable. A quote that really digs a the heart of the issue from the text states, "the possibility that non-English-speaking children would be in the same classroom as other children." This, to me, shows that any student who doesn't speak English is viewed negatively and not as an equal to their peers. The TV commercial that stated, "force children who can barely speak English into regular classrooms, creating chaos and disrupting learning," while talking about backing the English-only amendment in Colorado, shows that children who don't speak English are viewed as chaotic and disruptive. Placing students whose native language isn't English within general education classrooms was viewed as being a learning disruption to the the children who were seen as being the most deserving of an education, those who spoke English! 

I believe Justice William O. Douglas said it best when he said, "Imposition of a requirement that, before a child can effectively participate in the educational program, he must already have acquired those basic skills is to make a mockery of public education." 

I found it very odd that bilingual was being completely erased from people's vocabulary. Instead everyone is using dual-language or other terminology. I am very curious as to why bilingual or bilingualism is being silenced. 

Middle-class white men, policymakers and lawmakers, aren't interested in equal rights for all unless it could somehow benefit them. In public education, within the readings, almost everywhere was operating as an English-only program for LOTE students. Being able to speak more than one language wasn't valuable. Until America needed to compete in a neoliberal economy. "Educational opportunities for minority students exist only when the students' interest and the nation's interests converge." However, if bilingual individuals and their languages aren't valued and appreciated without fear of judgement, bilingualism can not help to sustain America in a neoliberal economy. 

I want to leave off with this YouTube video about bilingual babies :) 
If schools are so worried and focused on test scores, it seems that we, in the education realm, would promote our students' home language and be in support of students learning both in their home language and English! 

Questions to ponder: 
Why are the words bilingual, bilingualism, and biliteracy being silenced? 
How have you seen the shift from English-only to promotion of dual-language change, if at all? 
How are emergent bilinguals being educated in your district? 
How can teacher promote home language practices within their classrooms? 
Do you think that promoting bilingualism will benefit minority groups?


  1. I think promoting bilingualism is so imperative to our youth and our future! Our world is only getting bigger with advances in technology, immigration across the globe for jobs, and immigrant/refugee families moving to other countries. Promoting acceptance of culture and language is key to helping our students grow and become successful adults, in my opinion. I do believe some schools are changing their perspectives, but I see it being a slow process. I see admin looking to diversify their teachers, but also finding it hard to find diverse language and cultural teachers at the same time. I'd like to think as schools become more accepting and promote this paradigm shift in how we educate and support our dual-lingual users we will see more and more adults willing and wanting to help - volunteering or as staff members within the school. By the way, loved that video!

  2. I think it is imperative to promote home language in the classroom. I went to a workshop and the leader said the worst thing you can do is teach a child to be ashamed of their home language. She talked about the importance of learning English, but also the importance of growing in your home language. Being able to speak multiple languages is so vital in our society. I agree with the quote posted, two languages open every door along the way. I think the sad part is, our students who speak more than one language feel like they are at a disadvantage when really the people who speak one language are the ones who are really disadvantaged. I think in the classroom we need to highlight the different languages spoken. We need to celebrate and empower our students who are learning new languages.

    1. I find it so interesting that people seem to understand it in terms of what "should be" even when speaking with people that aren't in education, but when you walk into a school it's rarely put into practice due to funding, availability, and sometimes fear (of schools and of the students speaking their home language). This last part of comment relates to Sabbath's comment that students feel at a disadvantage when bi-lingual or dual-lingual versus mono-lingual people. I also agree with your comment about celebrating and empowering students by being accepting and promoting their culture and language!

  3. jdskjdfkldjksdfjlhdalhjdslkglnksflbjfsljbfs,jbfsbjdvsbjdbjvadbjdsvbjdsjbfbs

  4. My cousin came to the United States when he was 6, as he came here, his parents urged him to speak only english in home. Because they think it is the primary thing to him to get used to this new environment. And now he can barely speak Mandarin anymore. The interesting is, my cousin's little brother, which 13 years younger than him, was pushed by his parents to learn Mandarin, they try to speak Mandarin with him every time when he is in home, and now although he doesn't know how to write it, his Mandarin speaking and understanding already can be totally approved to live in China.
    From my perspective, for children, especially young kids, bilingual education may has tremendous benefits to them. They are more likely to balance two languages and remember them. For parents who native language is not English, I think it is a natural advantage to keep their kids live in two language environments and let them being bilingual.

  5. I feel the more languages the better. I think it's a real gift to personal enrichment that can be shared outwardly. I've gotten lost in Paris twice, once alone, and another time with students. The people who helped spoke great English, while I spoke little or no French.

    1. A lot of people from other countries can come here to the U.S. and learn the English language so quickly, but it seems to be more of a challenge for most Americans to learn different languages. I think we should focus more on becoming multilingual instead of all the advanced math classes. Being bilingual or multilingual provides so many opportunities and will definitely make you more marketable for better jobs.


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